Monday, November 26, 2007

The Rhythm of words

Today I want to talk about my experiences when I write. When I write I feel the balance and rhythm of the sentence. Without proper balance and rhythm, the sentences don't work together and it throws off the entire piece. I know that personally, the rhythm is everything. I write the words in my head and transfer them letter by letter onto the paper like individual notes of a greater symphony. This is why I always to rough drafts on paper instead of electronically. While I hate with a burning passion the arduous paper to computer transfer, it gives me not only the intimacy of my hand to the page, but also the refining and editing that results from me being forced to read the entire piece while I transfer. But this system isn't for everyone. Some people prefer to feel the tapping of the keys and glow of the monitor as they create, they feel closer that way. Others dictate stories to people because their voice is their medium. However you feel comfortable getting the words out, do it. There is no wrong way and you certainly shouldn't let someone you don't know tell you how you should handle something so intimate.

When you first begin writing, i find that taking baby steps is best. Hearing those sentences in your brain is the reason you're putting pen to paper so just get them out, use your pen, keyboard, or whatever other thing you are using to express your story. Never mind if the sentences sound a bit rough together, go where your gut tells you to go, first drafts are for putting ideas on a page. When you are a more experienced writer, the artistry comes into play. Rough drafts are still rough drafts, but now they are more cohesive from practice of taming the thoughts and sentences. This is where the rhythm of the entire piece comes together. This is the real symphony of words and how it is completed. It takes longer to write, but the stream of consciousness on the page has turned into something truly amazing, a ballad of your heart, This is the key to real writing. Find the balance and rhythm and sew together a creation.

Now I'll get to the music in writing. I speak of what I know to be true. When i write I do feel like my words are a rhythm, I do think that writing and music are connected which is why I personally need silence, to be able to hear the rhythm of my own voice. Others, I believe, work differently. Some cherish the chaos in heavy metal while others flourish in the tranquility of classical music. There are those who are inspired by the hum of people or even a conversation between others. Whatever the music, it's an important part of your character and your writing. This is why it is so key to understand the workings of the language. With writing you can stretch the language and really create something totally your own, but you need to hear the rhythm to understand how far you can go.

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